Chicken Breeds

Are you looking for a well rounded flock of chickens? Our advice is to get a variety of breeds but do your homework and learn what’s best for your family and the climate you live in. Let the feathered fun begin!

Finding the Right Feathered Friends for Your Backyard

So, you’re gearing up to dive into the world of chicken ownership! It’s not just a commitment of time, energy, and a bit of cash — it’s a plunge that’ll have your backyard bustling with feathered fun. Once you’re ready to rock the roost, it’s time to explore your options. First, think about what you are looking for in a chicken:

• Do you want them as pets?
• Are you in it for the eggs?
• Are you doing this for the kiddos?
• Or maybe it’s a little bit of everything…

Hatching your own chicks is rewarding, but there’s a catch — you might end up with a feathered rockstar, aka a rooster! If you’re not up for the rooster roulette, fear not! There are options in the chicken world — pullets and point-of-lay chicks. Sure, they’re a little more expensive but they are ready to lay eggs right away!

Feeling adventurous? Raising day-old chicks is perfect for the kiddos! It’s a bit of a commitment, but the payoff is worth it. Imagine having your own feathery companions, raised with love and care. Check out our Brooder Checklist for the ultimate chicken parenting guide!

Now, when it comes to choosing breeds, take the time to find the breeds that match your backyard vibes. We have a few feathered favorites to flaunt, but it’s all about what tickles your chicken fancy.

• Do you want friendly chickens that you can pet and will follow you around?
• Do you want fancy, ornamental chickens?
• Are you mostly interested in chickens that will lay lots of eggs?

The climate, the yard size, and the coop are all crucial factors in creating the ultimate chicken coop. The good news is, there are hundreds of different breeds, and if you do your homework, you should be able to find the breeds that work for you. You’ll discover the breeds that are practically tailor-made for your backyard vibes. And don’t just choose one breed – it’s fun to have a variety of colors that lay different colored eggs.

Here are some favorite breeds, complete with their approximate weight, climate preferences, egg colors, and egg production.

Cream Legbar

Active and friendly with an adorable feather crest that grows up from behind their combs. This breed was developed in England in the early 1900’s and is known for their sociable nature and love for foraging. Cream Legbars are an autosexing breed which means the sex can be determined by the feathers the day they hatch. This is important if you don’t want a rooster!

blue eggs

Cream Legbar

Active and friendly with an adorable feather crest that grows up from behind their combs. This breed was developed in England in the early 1900’s and is known for their sociable nature and love for foraging. Cream Legbars are an autosexing breed which means the sex can be determined by the feathers the day they hatch. This is important if you don’t want a rooster!

weight of chicken
blue eggs

Barred Plymouth Rock

Gentle and good-natured. Plymouth Rocks are known for being easy to handle and good with children.  In addition to Barred, there are other varieties of the Plymouth Rock including Blue, Buff, Columbian, Partridge, Silver-penciled and White. Bantam varieties are also popular. This breed was first seen in Massachusetts and is the most widely kept chicken breed in the United States.

excellent egg production
brown eggs

Barred Plymouth Rock

Gentle and good-natured. Plymouth Rocks are known for being easy to handle and good with children.  In addition to Barred, there are other varieties of the Plymouth Rock including Blue, Buff, Columbian, Partridge, Silver-penciled and White. Bantam varieties are also popular. This breed was first seen in Massachusetts and is the most widely kept chicken breed in the United States.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Easter Egger

Easter Eggers are a hybred combining blue laying hens and brown laying hens. They usually lay blue eggs but there is no guarantee since they are a mixed bread. Easter Eggers are generally friendly and adaptable.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
blue eggs
easter egger

Easter Egger

Easter Eggers are a hybred combining blue laying hens and brown laying hens. They usually lay blue eggs but there is no guarantee since they are a mixed bread. Easter Eggers are generally friendly and adaptable.

easter egger
weight of chicken
excellent egg production
blue eggs

Olive Egger

Olive Eggers are similiar to Easter Eggers, as they are a mix of breeds, but usually produce olive eggs. They are generally good natured.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
olive eggs
olive egger

Olive Egger

Olive Eggers are similiar to Easter Eggers, as they are a mix of breeds, but usually produce olive eggs. They are generally good natured.

olive egger
weight of chicken
excellent egg production
olive eggs

Rhode Island Red

Bold and friendly. Rhode Island Reds are known for their confident an the state bird of Rhode Island. It was developed there and in Massachusetts in the late nineteenth century. The Rhode Island Red is a good choice for a small flock owner and are excellent egg layers. 

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Rhode Island Red

Bold and friendly. Rhode Island Reds are known for their confident an the state bird of Rhode Island. It was developed there and in Massachusetts in the late nineteenth century. The Rhode Island Red is a good choice for a small flock owner and are excellent egg layers. 

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Black Australorp

Calm and friendly. Australorps are generally easygoing and good layers. The Australorp was developed in Australia with a focus on egg laying.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Black Australorp

Calm and friendly. Australorps are generally easygoing and good layers. The Australorp was developed in Australia with a focus on egg laying.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Buff Orpington

Docile and friendly. Orpingtons are known for their gentle nature and are perfect for children or beginners. A favorite among backyard chicken keepers, these large breeds are excellent egg layers. Quick to mature, hardy, and friendly, they are easy to keep and fun to have around. Although an English breed, Buff Orpingtons are an American favorite.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Buff Orpington

Docile and friendly. Orpingtons are known for their gentle nature and are perfect for children or beginners. A favorite among backyard chicken keepers, these large breeds are excellent egg layers. Quick to mature, hardy, and friendly, they are easy to keep and fun to have around. Although an English breed, Buff Orpingtons are an American favorite.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Silver Leghorn

Active and independent. Leghorns can be a bit more spirited and are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities. There are numerous Leghorn varieties including Silver, White, Red, Black-tailed Red, Light Brown, Dark Brown, Black, Buff, Columbian, Buff Columbian, and Barred.

chicken weight
excellent egg production
white eggs

Silver Leghorn

Active and independent. Leghorns can be a bit more spirited and are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities. There are numerous Leghorn varieties including Silver, White, Red, Black-tailed Red, Light Brown, Dark Brown, Black, Buff, Columbian, Buff Columbian, and Barred.

chicken weight
excellent egg production
white eggs


Gentle and docile. Cochin chickens are known for their friendly and calm nature. Their feathery bodies and unique looks make Cochin chickens a favorite by many.

weight of chicken
cold hardy
excellent egg production
brown eggs


Gentle and docile. Cochin chickens are known for their friendly and calm nature. Their feathery bodies and unique looks make Cochin chickens a favorite by many.

weight of chicken
cold hardy
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Light Sussex

Friendly and curious. Sussex chickens are generally easygoing and good with families. Buff and Speckled are other varietes of the Sussex and have become popular as an exhibition chicken. Sussex chickens have strong broody tendencies, are reliable sitters on fertile eggs and make great mothers.

weight of chicken
cold hardy
excellent egg production
brown eggs

Light Sussex

Friendly and curious. Sussex chickens are generally easygoing and good with families. Buff and Speckled are other varietes of the Sussex and have become popular as an exhibition chicken. Sussex chickens have strong broody tendencies, are reliable sitters on fertile eggs and make great mothers.

weight of chicken
cold hardy
excellent egg production
brown eggs


Gentle and sociable. Wyandottes are known for their calm demeanor and can be quite friendly. It is a popular show bird and known for its multitude of colors. Wyandotte chickens have strong broody tendencies, are reliable sitters on fertile eggs and make great mothers.

weight of chicken
cold hardy
excellent egg production
brown eggs


Gentle and sociable. Wyandottes are known for their calm demeanor and can be quite friendly. It is a popular show bird and known for its multitude of colors. Wyandotte chickens have strong broody tendencies, are reliable sitters on fertile eggs and make great mothers.

weight of chicken
cold hardy
excellent egg production
brown eggs


Quirky and friendly. Polish chickens are known for their unique crests and can be quite entertaining. Their large crests that nearly cover the entirety of their head . They prefer a dry, warm climate so if you live in a cold climate, they need to be protected from the harsh winters.

chicken weight
heat tolerant
white eggs


Quirky and friendly. Polish chickens are known for their unique crests and can be quite entertaining. Their large crests that nearly cover the entirety of their head . They prefer a dry, warm climate so if you live in a cold climate, they need to be protected from the harsh winters.

chicken weight
heat tolerant
white eggs


Docile and friendly. Ameraucanas are known for their calm demeanor and colorful eggs. They are easy to handle, and adapt well to different environments.  They have a curious and active nature, enjoying foraging and exploring their surroundings.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
blue eggs


Docile and friendly. Ameraucanas are known for their calm demeanor and colorful eggs. They are easy to handle, and adapt well to different environments.  They have a curious and active nature, enjoying foraging and exploring their surroundings.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
blue eggs


Generally calm, Marans are known for their dark chocolate-brown eggs and their incredibally soft plumage making them great to snuggle with. They’re super easy to handle and they socialize well with humans and other chickens.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
dark brown eggs


Generally calm, Marans are known for their dark chocolate-brown eggs and their incredibally soft plumage making them great to snuggle with. They’re super easy to handle and they socialize well with humans and other chickens.

weight of chicken
excellent egg production
dark brown eggs


Gentle and calm. Silkies are known for their soft, fluffy feathers and sweet temperament. Silkies are hardy and resilient, and able to thrive in both cold and warm climates. These chickens are long-lived, often having life spans up to around nine years old, and continue to stay beautiful even when older.

weight of chicken
chicken hardiness
cream eggs


Gentle and calm. Silkies are known for their soft, fluffy feathers and sweet temperament. Silkies are hardy and resilient, and able to thrive in both cold and warm climates. These chickens are long-lived, often having life spans up to around nine years old, and continue to stay beautiful even when older.

weight of chicken
chicken hardiness
cream eggs
breed of chicken